Najbolji brendovi, najbolje cijene!
Izdvajamo najprodavanije proizvode ovog mjeseca
UNO-NK trgovina je prema ovogodišnjem nezavisnom istraživanju tržišta, Qudal i Best Buy Award, odabrana od strane većine crnogorskih potrošača kao trgovina obuće koja nudi najbolji odnos cijene i kvaliteta na tržištu.
Zahvaljujući izboru potrošača, trgovina UNO je osvojila medalje za najbolji kvalitet i vrijednost u odnosu na novac te pokazala kako i u ovim izazovnim vremenima zadržava visok standard kvaliteta i pristupačne cijene.
Osvojeni međunarodni sertifikati Qudal i Best Buy Award, nezavisne su potvrde zadovoljstva crnogorskih potrošača ponudom trgovine Uno i balansom ponuđenog kvaliteta i cijene.
U vremenu kada potrošači žele dobiti najveću vrijednost za novac, trgovina UNO kao lokalni, iskusni trgovac nastoji dugoročno udovoljiti željama svojih kupaca i ponuditi proizvode visokog kvaliteta.
Detaljnije o dobijenim nagradama možete vidjeti u nastavku:
I hope this email finds you well.
I am writing to notify you of the outstanding achievement of UNO in the recent Best Buy Award survey for 2023-2024.
Conducted with 1,200 respondents from Montenegro, the survey revealed that UNO was chosen as the No. 1 brand for the best price-quality ratio in the following category:
Best Buy Award General I Survey:
Survey question: “Navedite naziv lanca trgovina obućom koji po vašem ličnom iskustvu i mišljenju nudi najbolji odnos cijene i kvaliteta na crnogorskom tržištu:”
Most frequent answer: UNO
Congratulations on this extraordinary success!
Would you like to communicate your Best Buy Award victory in your marketing activities throughout 2023 and 2024? I'd be glad to discuss the best options for your company.
Using the CAWI-DEEPMA methodology, the survey aimed to identify the companies, products, and services that offer the best value for money on the market. It focused on the general population (Internet users aged 18 and above) and featured only open-ended questions, allowing for unbiased results.
The Best Buy Award medal is an excellent communication tool for companies looking to boost sales and increase trust among existing and new customers. The medal is particularly relevant in 2023 as price-sensitive consumers are expected to seek out products and services that offer the most value for their money.
Contact me via email at [email protected] and ensure that a good reputation works for you and your brand. I will be happy to help you find the ideal Best Buy Award application solution for UNO.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Ivana Pečevski
International Certification Associate
T: +385 1 7776 720
ICERTIAS | Petrinjska 6 | 10000 Zagreb | Croatia | | |
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ICERTIAS - International Certification Association
Bergstrasse 107 | 8032 Zurich | Switzerland